One of the shadows, now a full blown lady appeared in front of me, shook my hand and asked my sit on the chair in front of a table that she was to sit behind. "So," she said, "tell me about yourself." And, I remember going, "Huh?" so she repeated herself. Now, nobody had asked me that question so it was kinda' weird talking about myself. Should I tell her how I loved crocheting or that I was a good dog walker or I could write with my eyes closed? I decided that was too risky, so I talked about my school, my major subjects and my hobbies. When I stopped to take a breath, she said, "Well, that's pretty interesting. Why do you think we should pick you for AISEC?" I promise, I probably looked at her as if she had sprouted 3 hands and was doing some sort of a rave dance step. What kind of question was that? I know they wanted me so why these silly questions? Anyways, I smiled a little and went on an answering spree. After I finished, she nodded, and then got up and I saw the second shadow, now a full blown man stand in front of me.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Interview
One of the shadows, now a full blown lady appeared in front of me, shook my hand and asked my sit on the chair in front of a table that she was to sit behind. "So," she said, "tell me about yourself." And, I remember going, "Huh?" so she repeated herself. Now, nobody had asked me that question so it was kinda' weird talking about myself. Should I tell her how I loved crocheting or that I was a good dog walker or I could write with my eyes closed? I decided that was too risky, so I talked about my school, my major subjects and my hobbies. When I stopped to take a breath, she said, "Well, that's pretty interesting. Why do you think we should pick you for AISEC?" I promise, I probably looked at her as if she had sprouted 3 hands and was doing some sort of a rave dance step. What kind of question was that? I know they wanted me so why these silly questions? Anyways, I smiled a little and went on an answering spree. After I finished, she nodded, and then got up and I saw the second shadow, now a full blown man stand in front of me.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oh, how sometimes people amaze me with their antics!
The weather was yucky as I walked towards the train (well, honestly, the weather was like that all through the day). Rain was everywhere - in the hidden street corners of downtown, under the huge canopy of Autumn Blaze Maple trees that lined the streets, around the edges of a scaffolding - if you wanted to escape it for an inch, you couldn't possibly do that. Inspite of a heavy duty umbrella hovering over my head, big droplets of water found a way to splash on my tender cheeks, on my already frizzy hair and on my semi-soaked trench. Yes, rain was everywhere! And, then the wind, I forgot about the wind. The clever, slimy wind - snaking its way under my clothes, through a tightly wound scarf on my neck, and freezing the very core of my being -verrry sneaky wind! So, while I was putting on a balancing act of holding an umbrella with one hand, and pushing away tendrils of fallen hair (thanks to Wind) on my face with another, and holding on to my handbag (heavy with a lunch box, water bottle and an extra pair of sandals that I had to carry today) with a non-existent third limb... a sight caught my eye.
Walking past me was a man young man, letting the rain cling to every inch of his body, while he used his folded umbrella to scratch his back. Sccrraatch-ssccraatch - yeah, thats the sound the umbrella made when I crossed him. Rain and wind had nothing on him!
Did I mention - people amaze me with their antics sometime?
Monday, October 26, 2009
To the Man after my own heart - Happy Birthday
In the years that I have known him, I have only grown to love him and respect him more with each tick of the clock :) He is so kind and thoughtful that I am amazed everytime he offers to help someone with moving and packing boxes, with dropping them off to the airport or picking them up, with helping them plan their financial dreams...if you were to ever call him with any question/concern, he would just drive up to your place and sort it all out for you...not hemming & hawwing or skirting the issue with excuses. Yup, thats Kartik! At times I pray to God to imbue me with some of his qualities because truly I want to become a better human being like him...someone whose heart and soul are so pure that there is just love and more love emanating constantly!
Today is Kartik's Birthday and I want to take this blog space to give a huge shout to my fabulous, handsome, loving and adorable husband for being such an inspiration, such a true friend and such a wonderful life partner!
Happy Birthday Kartik - may God shower you with his finest blessings because truly, you deserve only the best. May all your treasured dreams come true and you continue to prosper and be healthy all your life! I love you soo much and these wishes come from the bottomest bottom of my heart!! I am very proud of who you are, what you have accomplished and where you are headed in life, and I am so glad that I am a part of that journey as well! :)
Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Looking new!
So, where are we with Banno Raani - you probably would also like to know. Shikha and I have been throwing quite a few ideas at each other, and will definitely let you know what we settle on. Its kinda hard sometimes because the craziness at work takes away our attention from Banno Raani - what would have been a 1000% dedication, gets reduced to 100%. But, not to worry. We are dedicated to our mission of making Banno Raani the numero uno choice in wedding boutique! We will continue to give our 100% effort at every chance we get and after 10 rounds, guess what - it will add up to 1000%!! :)
Oh, and since quite a few of you emailed us on setting up a website - yup, we heard you and are working on that as well. So, watch out for that announcement as well.
Its Sunday evening now, and the week will start to emerge on the horizon in a few hours, so I leave you with the following thought as you get ready to hop on a new day:
As soon as it begins, take control of your day. Decide in detail what you intend to do and commit to making it happen.
If you sit around and wait for events and circumstances to pull you along, you'll end up getting nothing accomplished. If you have no firm and resolute plans, you'll waste all your time on meaningless distractions and interruptions.
Certainly unexpected situations will come up that require your response. Yet you can choose to respond from a position of power and control, rather than from a position of weakness and ineffectiveness.
Decide what you will do with this day, and get busy doing it. Make a difference, establish a positive momentum, and get your goals accomplished.
Time is here, right now, for you to use. Transform the passing time into lasting value by making effective use of it.
This day is filled with great possibilities. Choose certain, specific ones, and make the effort that will make them happen.
-- Ralph Marston
Have a super duper week ahead!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Do and be
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Eavesdropping a Teddy Bear
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Meaty Mammoth
brain farts
So, when do brain farts really happen? I get them when I am stuck between 2 new people and can't find a word to say. Should I talk about the weather? {Boring} Should I tell them about the latest episode of The Office? {Hmm..that would a nice ice-breaker} Or, should I talk about how weird a mohawk looks on a 50 year old? {yess, thats it!!}.
I also get them when I am asked to do an impromptu presentation to the business without any prior information on the project.
And, sometimes, these uber cool brain farts sneak in (or is it out) when I am trying to have an a-ha moment.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday quote
Look honestly at what you do each day. What things are moving you forward, and what things are you doing that keep holding you back?
Your actions are yours to control. And your habits are yours to develop or abandon.
Though habits rarely come or go overnight, you can indeed choose and control them. Add an empowering habit, or get rid of a destructive one, to dramatically improve your life.
Even a small positive habit will make a big difference. Because each time you do it, you steadily add more power to it.
Think of what you can do, beginning right now, to add a habit of success to your life. And watch as that small success, done again and again, turns into plenty of big achievements.
-- Ralph Marston
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Deepawali
*** Update: See below for some pics from Diwali
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Thai

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mela part deux
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Janamdin Mubarak
Monday, October 12, 2009
Buzzing and Zipping
Saturday, October 10, 2009
...Your corner of the world
Be good to yourself by seeing and connecting with the goodness in life. Look on the bright side, and make it brighter.Nothing is gained by feeling sorry for yourself. Nothing is gained by spreading misery or despair.
Sure, life has its troubles. Yet the great thing is, you don't have to let any of those troubles get to you.
Give your energy and awareness to the best possibilities of the moment. You can make something good happen today, so by all means do it.
Offer a healthy dose of joy to your situation. Feeling positive will take you much further than any alternative.
Be the brightest source of goodness in your corner of the world. Choose to feel great and truly you'll do great things.
-- Ralph Marston
Beautiful colorful things that make my heart smile
Friday, October 9, 2009
Smartest thing

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Boy, did we rock or what?

Saturday, October 3, 2009
My Dearest Bauji
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hello 4Q