Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Overheard in Hoboken

Ok, its true and I am not making this up. So, here' what I overheard a slim brunette, wearing Juice couture sweatpants and a tank, tell her equally fit brunette friend, "You know, its like Starbucks gets me, yes, it truly does. I would be so lost otherwise."

starbucks.jpg vintage funny image by michellemmc

Hmmph! :)

{funny image courtesy photobucket.com}

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What's in a weather

The weather is getting warmer, and it really makes me smile. I can walk without layers of jackets piled on and it feels wonderful.
Have you noticed how weather is the best topic for small talk. I mean whenever I met a colleague of mine in an elevator, by default I would just blurt out, "How gorgeous/crappy is the weather?" or "When will spring/summer come, it high time now?" Ok, don't look at this post and go "Grrr, is she small talking here." Well my answer lovelies: yes and no.
My brain is fried right now, so I cannot talk deep, philosophical stuff, but at the same time I really want you to know how happy I am here that when I check up weather.com, I see 79F and 80F....aren't you too?? C'mon...


ps. On a side note, Suns beat Lakers!! Tra-la-la-la!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Smoky Alice is gorgeous

When I came across this brand, and looked at their product's pictures, I knew that this is something I would like to represent for Banno Raani as well. I mean how focused, clean and crisp are these marketing pics? Their line of products are so elegant and detailed in themselves that nothing flashy is required to add that "wow" factor.

Smoky Alice is truly a boutique to reckon with. Their products/styling want to make you scream "I want it, I want it all." Well, I certainly am already screaming that!!

Make sure to visit their site, and be ready to fall in love with their stuff a bit more!! :)


{images courtesy SmokyAllice}

Friday, May 21, 2010

Some words are pure motivational

"What do you really need? What if some of the things you think you need, you do not need at all?
Do you really need the approval of others? Do you really need to be offended by things that don't even affect you?
Do you really need that order of fries or that fourth cocktail? Do you really need to speed through the light that's already turned yellow?
Imagine being free of the burden of so much self-imposed and useless need. Instead of being boxed in by your nagging little needs, you can be empowered to fulfill your greatest desires.
The next time you instinctively act out of a sense of need, stop and ask yourself something. Is it really a need, or is it just a comfortable way to hide from your best possibilities?
Choose to stop needing so much. As soon as you do, you'll find that you have more than ever."
-- Ralph Marston

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Two books

Two books that have my attention these days: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith and Rich Dad, Poor Dad by R Kiyosaki.

So you see, I am verrry occupied! :)


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer Footwear

One of my friends asked, "So, Shivi, you did a post on summer make up and summer dresses, whatever happened to summer shoes?? You know, people love shoes.!" And, I was like , "Hey, Sal, that's the most intelligent thing you have said, like, ever." Umm, not to forget that this friend of mine is an MD in making, but whatever, she is my friend, and I can say anything to her!!! HAAAAHHAA..love you Sal!

So, here a mini collection of Summer Shoes. The way I see it is that summer should be all about colors, pretty flowers, fun prints, textures, cute bows and most of all comfort. One tends to walk a lot during summer because they are out a lot, so its important that you look super stylish while smiling like you are in a Dr Scholl's commercials (are you gellin'?)



Georgina Goodman Elton Flat,.2Seychelle's women Bette Flat, .   3. Gentle Souls ay-ou  Flat 4. BCBG Imrah Flat, 5. Cynthia Vincent Tashi Flat,  6. Stuart Weisman Labamba Thong




1.Pink Studio Patsy Peep Toe   2. Marc by Marc Jacobs Gommon Ribbon Ankle.  3. Gentle Souls Hey Gabe T-Strap 4. Pour La Victoire Jilliana Sandal  5. Tracy Reece Bijou Open toe sandal  6. Steve Madden Kassidy Wedge

While searching for the perfect footwear on endless.com, a fantastic website, I tell you, I went crazy and I wanted to drag all the styles from their site on this post. But, then my not so shoe-crazy part of the brain kicked in and I persevered. Hope you enjoy this mini collection... and make sure to visit the website for more stuff to make your heart flutter!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ma is the best

Today and tomorrow I will be at mom's house. You know, just to be pampered and eat whatever I feel like.
Sometimes I wonder, how she does it. The cooking, the cleaning and the job thing.Whenever I ask her, she just says, "wait till you become a mother, you will see, it all happens naturally." Hmm, I guess I will have to become one to understand one.
Ma, watch out, I am coming over so please make me that spicy gobi (cauliflower), halva and gol gappe!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Italy is calling...

Right now, I  want to be in Italy...don't ask why, but just want to be anywhere in Italy!






Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quite a few things on my mind

Quite a few things have been on my mind, so I want to quickly jot them down here at the expense of forgetting:

  • What type of flowers should I pick for the summer Banno Raani event?
  • Why is my hair turning white, and what should I eat/do to avoid it? Hmm, remember to ask Nani maa (grandma)
  • Need to buy glass bottles for storing water in the fridge, plastic ones give off a weird smell and taste
  • What makes for a catchy logo - research online and catalogues
  • There should be a fine for everyone who spits on the streets - yeah, like serious fine
  • Need to call Shruti, Shilpa in India -- they will kill me for I haven't spoken to them in ages
  • Buy baby shower gift or gift card for this Sunday
  • Keep questioning because that's the only way things can be made better
  • What in the world is a Tea Party? And, why do we need it? And why is Sarah Palin talking again?
  • Why do people who pretend to be "busy" are regularly updating their facebook status or playing those weird farmville game? I mean its a clear giveaway...
I guess, that's it for now...Hugs!

Happy 1 year Blog!

Dear Blog,
Happy 1 Year! We both have come this far...who knew I could be ok talking out or writing openly my thoughts and feelings. But, you have been super good to me and sooo accommodating. The valuable relationships I have built along the way from all over the world has humbled me...because I can now see how connected we are. Thank you Dear Blog for being my perfect partner..and here's to many more posts to come.

Dear Lovelies (aka readers),
A big thank you also for being the force that pushes me to write, share and be able to inspire in whatever little ways I can. Your emails, thoughts have been read and re read a million times (I can't believe someone in Russia likes what I write!!) because they were too good to be true. I am blessed, and that's how I see it. I promise you that this interaction will continue and hopefully we can take it to the next level...unknown at this point, but, then, this blog journey was too!!

Big warm hugs to all!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Photography Inspiration: Dave Hill

Next in the series of my photography inspirations

When I saw what he does with his pictures, my mouth fell open. You know, when you are sitting in the audience and the magician actually saws off his assistant's foot right in front of you and you sit there with your mouth open...yeah, well that kind. Not only that, my eyes popped open wide too,and I just kept wondering, "how does this man do it?"
Dave Hill is a man who knows how to shoot ---err, with camera that is. He constantly challenges the creative aspect behind photography and therefore produces stunning images that resonates deeply with his style. Yes, he uses Photoshop to add that magical, surreal touch to his pictures, but if you forget about the background for a second and just focus on the subjects (the people), you will realize it really takes balls to get the kind of expression and look like he does.

Dear Dave, if you ever read this, you are Ralph Lauren of Photography - you bring so much style, charisma and ass-kicking to your pics (sometimes, literally :) ).  I am so glad I was introduced to your style of creating art, and everytime I see your awesome, truly unique concept pics, it blows water out of my fish tank! (ha, did I just make up that phrase?? But, its get's the point, so..)

Am proud to share some of his work with you:

Dave Hill Photography

Dave Hill Photography


{images courtesy Davehillphoto.com}

Friday, May 14, 2010

Banno Raani collection: editorial style

Ok, so I told you I was working on the photography of Banno Raani's collections. Well, here are some pics of my attempt. Now, Now, please don't snicker or roll eyes or laugh as if I've gone crazy, its my first attempt at editorial jewelery pics, so I know I have a long way to go...just a few to share with you lovelies!
More to come soon...


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Late, but hey, not never!

My darling niece, Sana, is turning out to be such a cutie....ooh, I just love her! Here she is with my mom on Mother's Day ...my lil's sister's first Mother's Day too!! Shikhu, you are the best mom (sorry, this message is tad late, but you know how I feel)!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Which one is better...well, it depends really!

People and friends ask me, is Kundan better or Polki? I, acting all like a pro, arch my eyebrows, straighten my back and try to speak with a British accent, you know, just to sound serious and all. And then say like its the most obvious answer, "It depends."

Now now, I don't want to confuse or anything, but really it depends on your taste. Before, we discuss that, let's get cracking on what is Kundan and what is Polki. So, here goes lovelies:

Kundan: Receiving a huge patronage during the Mughal era, Kundan soon took over the jewelry of choice amongst the Kinds and noblemen in India. It's has been regarded as one of the oldest forms of jewelry making in India, and is a method of gem setting wherein a pure gold foil is inserted between the precious stone and its mount. The way its done is that the jewelry piece is first shaped by specialized craftsmen, and then holes are cut in the metal to place the precious stones like diamonds, emeralds, rubies, etc. When the stones are to be set in the desired position, lac is inserted in the back to place them perfectly in their place. But, if just the lac is to be used, then it would be visible from the front, therefore, Kundan, a highly refined gold foil is used to cover the lac, and then the precious stone is pushed into the Kundan.

If you have noticed, Kundan really goes well with Meenakari work. Usually, a Kundan necklace or earring or ring would have meenakari work in the back. Hmm, so what is Meernakari? Well, its a method of jewelry making that involves enamel. Let's see some Kundan pieces:

Stunning, right?

Now, onto Polki

Polki: It is the same thing as Kundan. Yeah, that's right. Only difference is that Polki is an uncut diamond. It's setting is the same as Kundan only that is made of uncut or untouched diamond, which is why it is wayyy more expensive than Kundan. Ofcourse, these days we get glass polki, which makes the jewelry style affordable, and both you and I can rock some really unique pieces. Here are some pics:

So, if you ask me, which one - Kundan or Polki? I would still say "it depends" and trust me it depends on the moolah factor!! :)


{images courtesy various Jewelry websites}

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Observing Competition

Sometimes all I need to do is breathe, especially in the face of competition. I mean how easy it is to spew hot fumes when you see your competitor providing better products than you or doing something soo cool that it knocks your socks off!! The anger, the jealousy, the insecurity almost makes you think bad of them and you hope that something happens to their products/services that their customers stop liking them!! Right ? Right? Well, I have been there lovelies and it is not a good feeling. But, you know what?I always question this feeling and wonder what's the best way to deal with it.
So, I thought a lot about it. Observed myself, and came up with the following when dealing with competition:

  • Competition is good. It forces us to think outside the box, it enables us to challenge our assumptions, our status quo and thus, makes us do an even better job
  • Competition is fun. Imagine if what we did was the only best thing around, then how would we enjoy the whole process of being in the business, we wouldn't know how to sell with all the bells and whistles
  • Competition is healthy. If we see it as an source of inspiration as opposed to a reason for insecurity, then we are making our lives, our product/service so much better that we infact end up giving back
Hmm...yeah, so that's where I am with competition right now. When I see Amrita Singh and Rosena Sammi, I see them as inspiration, as partners who are infusing the market with beautiful, intricate and unique designs, just the way I am!!



Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Its a very special relationship, and a very unique one. Its the purest of all relationships. When I was younger, I wanted to be like her - have beautiful curly hair, wear high heels and apply the same shade of lipstick.
I remember, when Shikha and I were in fourth and fifth grade respectively, she used to take an English dictionary test everyday. Each day we were supposed to learn the spelling and meaning of words from one page of dictionary (following up from previous day), and then she used to take a mini test, even though she wasn't so good at English herself (and, hey, if we messed up the test ---oooh boy!!). She taught us the perfect manners when sitting down for dinner or when visiting someone's house (don't touch that appetizer plate unless its offered to you) and after she returned from a tiring day at work, she made sure that we finished our homework.
That was then.
Today, when I visit her, and scream "tea" from the TV room, she will make it without flinching. She smothers me with so much food and love that I actually gain 10 lb just in one visit :)

Ma, I cannot thank you enough for being such a role model and such a wonderful person. You have taught both Shikha and I so much that we are smarter, wiser and happier because of you. Lots of love and hugs to you on Mother's day! You deserve only the best!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ideas for inspiration

am currently working on the photography of Banno Raani's newest collection, and am looking for inspirations/ideas in fashion magazines, online through high end jewelry sites and pretty much anywhere I can (yeah, even in travel and home sections as well). Its a lot of fun, trust me. It's like you own an idea (albeit in your head) and then are responsible for giving birth to it. It does involve a lot of frustration, being patient, trying and retrying, but the end result is worth it...ummm, didn't mean to sound cheesy and all, but you get the point! Well, while I keep working on the photography end, I thought it would be fun to share with you some ideas I came across..

jewelry editorial for flair magazine9 773x1024 Jewelry Editorial for Flair Magazine


hahahha, this is sooo fun..i love it!



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