A sparrow, that on its fifth attempt, finally gets the ribbon undone, which was stuck on a tree trunk
so it can use it for building its nest. No hands, just a small pointed orifice and tons of willpower and 'can-do' attitude.
A pigeon who just tries its luck to grab whatever it can - if not this piece of bread...well, that tortilla chip sure looks good.
Is it..
The design principle behind this
The design principle behind this
Is it..
The story of Google, from being just another search engine, to being THE search engine of choice - a feat accomplished because the company was completely devoted to its product and most importantly its customers. They tried to fill the gap on the most basic functionality of the Internet, but in the most efficient and effective way.
The story of AOL, made a lot of profit, was a good growth company, had all the major media partners, but could never put a pulse on the customer's requirements. And, therefore, exists now as a web portal that you might just accidentally visit.
Want to know who inspires me?
My French teacher, 80+, and busier than ever. She teaches 6 classes and does private tutoring as well. During lectures, she's very active and playful. She actually acts out the words to help us understand their meaning. You should see her when she is acting up the word "run fast" - youngsters these days are older than her, I tell you. She is truly a delight, and makes me want to aspire to live past 100... but with her kind of energy and spirit. God Bless her!
So, ask yourself today, honestly, what inspires you, for the answer will give you the courage and faith to take your life in the direction you only imagined of. Good luck :)
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