Sunday, July 26, 2009

The sun shone, it rained - what a perfect Day!

I can't begin to tell you how I feel now that my dream, my passion is official. Its awesome!!
First, I will take these itty bitty few lines to thank my Ganeshji, my lovely hubby, my family, my friends, aunts, uncles, neighbors and also the neighbor's dog (who surprise surprise is a lot friendlier now). I am sure I also voice Shikha's sentiments of gratitude here.

Yesterday was Banno Raani's launch - what a day, people, what a day! Perfect. The day was sweltering, but the spirits were cool and solid. The air was dry, but the hopes were lucid and overflowing. I couldn't believe how much I loved interacting with my clients (ahem, yes!!) and making them feel pretty. Kartik even took me aside and said, "You really seem to be having so much fun. I am standing in the corner, and I can see it in your eyes how much you are enjoying yourself." And, that truly sums it up!

Both Shikha and I had a such wonderful time. The feedback was great. As soon as someone saw a style, they went "ooh, I gotta have that too" and pretty much our day was made in those ooohs and aaahs : )

Again, thank you all for making the journey so far soo beautiful. We now have even more to deliver - in terms of style, selection and service. And, we are ready for it.

Will be sharing pics of the launch event soon - until then, don't hold your breath : )


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