Sometimes we are so comfortable with the way things are, we are afraid to try something new. And then, the only thing holding us back from that success, that satisfaction that we sooo deserve is how comfortable we are with the "new" stuff. Interesting, na?
I am setting up Banno Raani's holiday bazaar at my new apartment, and I am a little scared and have all these questions- is it a good plan? is it the right set up? is it the right platform? Well, I wouldn't know all this unless I try it, correct? So, I am opening my mind and the doors to my apartment to try this new strategy and see if this flies with the new set of client group, and, if it works with Banno Raani's overall business plan . I'll be honest, I'd rather be comfortable doing what I have done before, but then I wouldn't know what I am missing out on. So, I am going ahead, being bold, and trying something new! Wish me luck! :)
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