Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sweetness, I say

So, it snowed again today. But, it was a funny kind of snow. I mean it fell with majestic allure of what I like to describe as giant goblets of crushed ice, it, however, did not accumulate. And, what do you get when it snows for 13 hours and no accumulation? You get a watery, pulpy, mushy concoction, which is not at all pretty like the white powdery snow.

As I watched my every step while walking (didn't want to get stuck in a watering hole, you see), I couldn't help but zero in on the sound my shoes were making in all this mush. It went something like pcchhh-scchhh-pcchhh-schhhh. Hmmm, if you can figure out what that sounds like, 1000 brownie points for you! While crossing the street, enjoying the mess and the cool air, I stopped in front of a leafless tree to observe how the slush was working its thang on the branches. But, what did I see? Nestled between the branches, and oblivious to the chaos of the weather, lay the sweet future.

Well, it really doesn't matter how much it snows and rains and snows again, the future is imminent and is here. It gives me so much happiness because it gives me hope. It is like having full faith in your dreams and they come true. Anywho, below are a couple of shots of the future, ahem, spring (nice and green), and hope they give you as much exuberance as they gave to me.

Sweetness, I say!



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