Monday, March 22, 2010

Resigned from work (continued)

Ok, so I feel liberated and relieved, but at the same time I feel nervous because I do not have another job lined up or anything. Its the whole uknown nature of my future that is troubling me a bit. I need to take long deep breaths, yes, long deep breathing, because it seems as if I am hyperventilating. It wasn't an easy decision at any fronts, but I just had to do it to keep my dreams alive and my life energized. And, watching myself playing "their" game everyday, when I really wanted to work the rules for a better environment, hurt me a lot and I could only take so much.

Well, I like to see this resignation as an opportunity to do something grander with my life, make a difference in the world and really enjoy myself working hard (you know I am not afraid of working hard). Yeah, it will be a different kind of experience, because I've always worked since college, so I would have to start defining the next steps towards my dream. Ofcourse, I won't sit at home or else I will waste my life...instead I will put all my energy in pursuing my passion and adding value. You may ask, how? My reply, don't know yet. I need time to think through and I will. And once I do, I will share with you.

As I practice remaining calm through the biggest decision in my career so far, I would love to hear any suggestions or feedback you have that will make this transition easier for me. So, email me or comment...would love to discuss with you.


1 comment:

  1. hang in there, you are moving in the right direction.



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