Friday, September 3, 2010

Mortification comes in sizes

Well, fashion faux pas happens all the time. We, mere regular mortals, who do not have our own personal stylist hanging on to our every whim and fancy, tend to become a little laid back while matching stuff. Ha, sometimes such faux pas definitely makes for a style statement in a funny-cool sense, I mean isn't that how fashion trends are invented! And, ofcourse, it also makes for some wide-eye, wider mouth responses from strangers we really do care about. Funny!
So, while I have been victim of such faux pas once in a while...nothing could come close to the fashion mishap that happened with me recently. Kartik and I decided to dine out few days ago and I wore my cute flower top with capris. Oooh, rocking it fine , I think to myself. So, we arrive at the restaurant, and take a table. I look around the restaurant (I usually do that) and notice the decor, the people, the food they are eating, etc. As I am doing a mental scan, I notice two women looking at me. I smile and look away, and immediately our waiter arrives with two heavy book like menus in his hand. As he bows and hands them over to us, and walks away, I lean over with the book menu in my hand and tell him about the women looking at me. He assures me its all good and asks me to pick my dish.
The dish is picked, the order is placed and the food is devoured all in a matter of an hour! And, so we are ready to leave, when the one of the ladies who was looking at me is leaving the restaurant. She walks by, stops, then turns around and comes to me and says, "Honey, your zipper is open." Oh! dang! I smile sheepishly, hoping there is no lettuce stuck in my teeth to mortify me even further and blurt out a weak "thank you."
Hmm, no wonder I ate so fast because there was actually nothing to hold me back or hold it in...if you know what I mean! So much for being fashion conscious, eh? I guess I did rock my outfit waayyy fine.


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