Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Please don't do Nothing!

I can't remember where I read it or who said it, but the following quote was like a brick on my head. It forced  me to make sure I continue on the path to following my dreams. Not just talking about them, writing them down or thinking about them, but actually doing something about them. Taking small concrete things - anything to work towards them! Or else, I would be left with a hole where once those dreams were or scary yet, have them vaporise into oblivion. Here's what the quote said..

"If you aim at nothing, you will surely get it right every time"


So, make up your goals or dreams, and  make them as grand as you want them to be, because, hey,  they are YOURS. But, make sure to do something about them. Don't know where to start? Don't know the exact step to take? Don't wait! Just google for ideas or call up a friend who did something similar or join a network on But, please don't do Nothing!


ps. You can totally tell I am feeling inspired today. Just passing on the love to you...

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