Monday, September 21, 2009

Excerpts and the Weekly Wish list

"...building's most magnificent secret..."
"Noetics is proving that man has powers unlike anything..."
"...decipher the engraving...Freemasonry...Egyptian Symbolon"

These are some of the excerpts from the novel, The Lost Symbol, and if this doesn't get your attention, not sure what will. I just had to read until that very last word that was tethered to the last page got safely locked in my brain. What rush! What page-turning frenzy!

I would definitely recommend this book. Umm...because I was reading the novel until wee hours last night, I had a funny dream kinda' sorta' related to it. It was part sci-fi (me on a helicopter hovering over a city) and part dramatic (making a plea to the scientist to reveal the secrets)...yeah, like I said, it was funny :)

Now I don't want to sleep late again because I have an early morning meeting tomorrow, so I will make it quick and share with you rather speedily my wish list of this week:

  • I wish I could be a member of Noetics Science organization - they are working on some amazing discoveries on human consciousness/intelligence and finding ways to enriching the human life
  • I wish my nails wouldn't chip just as I am growing them for an upcoming event...aargh!
  • I wish there was a netflix for books...queue up your books and sit back and relax (no, Kindle just doesn't cut it -- and LCD screen doesn't qualify for a book -- a book has to have paper!!)
  • I wish it would rain now...I just bought myself spankin' new rainboots and lo! it hasn't rained at all...aargh aargh!
  • I wish I could eat Strawberry choux bun everyday (Ate it at Harrod's, can't find it in NY and am now having dreams about this!!!)
That's it from me...make sure you wish every week too....because, who knows, it may come true :D

Happy Monday y'all.


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